L i t e r a t u r e
All ideas, texts and illustrations are originaly created by Uwe Mertsch.
- Quer Gelesenes ( Aphorismen )
- Wortmalereien ( Aphorismen )
- THE ART OF vol.1 ( Depicting a philosphical way
of our life in modern times ).
- THE ART OF vol.2 ( Depicting a philosophical way
of our life in modern times ).
Please get in touch if you are interested in publishing the following books
for art- and storylovers.
The artist’s chair
B 3 Three birds - Three friends
Solo the prince oft he sun.
Miss Mei Mei creates a picture
Miss Mei Mei creates a sculpture
P 5
Yo Yo THE ARTIST Expect the unexpected
Yantang und Yangling
Der Eisbär Ehrlich
Das Rosenelexier
Der Wolkenangler
Der Schattenspringer
A journey to the sea
The Rainbowcelebration
......and many more in process.